Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Start of Living Alone

I am already in my early thirties. I believe that I am a late bloomer. I have delayed reactions to things around me. When everybody's using make-up during my high school years, I am still fascinated with Sesame street and drawing images but I am far from being nerdy.

Boyfriends? I am a kind of girl who says hmmm ... he's hot but I don't really jump into just anyone who says they like me. It is also during my high school years when I declared I am not into relationships and not into commitments.

Funny, huh? Or more so unbelievable. At first, I didn't believe that i'll come to this point that I will love my freedom. That being single is not really such a bad idea ~ except for the norm that thinks you're not a complete woman because you haven't utilize your womb. Hahaha. I like the word - utilize.

And then the idea. The only single thing I haven't done when everything in my life is singular is actually living alone! This year, I will be working on it on a very limited and tight budget and I want you all to be with me on this journey of mine.

Hail to freedom! Hello independence! And hail to all the single girls!

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